Who am I?
PostDoc & RSE at JGU Mainz & University of Augsburg
Member of the JuliaLab in CSAIL
PhD in Computer Science, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
BSc in Cognitive Science, University of Osnabruek
Contributor to Julia and LLVM
Co-maintainer of the JuliaGPU & JuliaParallel stack
Github: https://github.com/vchuravy
and others...
Talks & Workshops
Mathematical diseases in climate models and how to cure them – 36C3
An introduction to Julia for Research Software Engineers – RSE 2018
Publications (selection)
Byrne, Wilcox and Churavy, MPI. jl: Julia bindings for the Message Passing Interface, JuliaCon Proceedings 2020
Moses and Churavy, Instead of Rewriting Foreign Code for Machine Learning, Automatically Synthesize Fast Gradients, NeuroIPS 2020.
,Besard, Churavy, Edelman, and De Sutter Rapid software prototyping for heterogeneous and distributed platforms,
, Revels, Besard, Churavy, De Sutter, and Vielma Dynamic automatic differentiation of GPU broadcast kernels
Full list at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3hZhbucAAAAJ&hl=en